Monday, 10 October 2011

And another bag...

No pics in this one, just plain boring type!

Spent a good weekend in Buckinghamshire with my sister and parents, though did spend quite a while sitting in the dark while my dad replaced my sister's RCD with great resistance from the flat!

However, something productive did come out of this: my sister unrolled a 24-year-old french knitting project that is being turned into a rug (one day!). The french knitting itself fills a whole freezer bag, but when rolled out in a circular rug shape, it isn't even a metre across! So an estimated whole freezer bag full more of french knitting is needed before we even contemplate getting it out again!

As a present, I received some very nice wools to attach onto the rug, and a couple of plain colours. I have also received orders to make sure I use brighter colours in future, as my sister reckons it looks a little dull.

As for the spaniel - her time wasn't so good this weekend. After four hours travelling (admittedly in the back of a spacious van), she is expected to spend the night in there, with the collie dog!! Luckily, it was quite a mild night. Then, when morning came around, things improved for a few hours. She was brought into the flat and spent some collie-free hours, relaxing and begging unshamedly for breakfast!

Things took a downturn when some bright spark brought the collie dog up. He was running round like a crazy loon, until it was decided to take him outside and throw a ball for him. He didn't stop panting for half an hour, and slept for about one, until he began bouncing around like Tigger again!

Night came again, and as people slipped into pyjamas, the spaniel thought things were looking up - a night on the bed! A cruel person clipped her lead to her harness, and dragged her unwillingly from the room to spend another night with the collie dog, then to be rudely awakened at 5.30am, when we began packing up to leave for York, on our whistle-stop tour of the UK!

Next installment - Wales (which actually happened first!!)

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